Are You To Busy For Success

Maximize your business efforts to ensure you provide the best service to your clients and ultimately, drive more business!!  We recommend you ask yourself the following questions to determine if you are too busy to be successful.

Do you meet your deadlines?

Are you constantly struggling and working overtime and late nights to make your clients deadlines? It may be time to re-evaluate your typical timeline and to set realistic expectations that you can deliver on without feeling overextended.

Do you underestimate project timelines?

It is important to give realistic deadlines to your customers and suppliers.  Be open about the time your work will take, and only set deadlines you can deliver on.  Be sure to also consider your full workload and other projects that will affect your time and adjust accordingly.

Who is your target client?

Embrace the power of “no”.  Determine who your target customer is by considering budget, expectations, event location, personality and more.  If your lead does not match your criteria, consider passing on their event to open your schedule for a better fit.


What tasks take up too much time?

Consider what daily tasks take up too much of your time and could be used in more productive ways.  These could include administrative duties, design work, staff management and preparing proposals.  Consider delegating, minimizing or outsourcing these takes when you can. Tools designed to assist in successful business management will help

How can you get more done each day?

Create a “today list” versus a traditional “to do list”.  Prioritize the items you need to do each day and break down large projects into smaller, more manageable parts.  Feel a sense of accomplishment when you complete each of your daily tasks, and avoid being overwhelmed or wasting time on projects that do not need immediate attention.


How can I be more successful?

What are the top five changes you need to make to be more successful as an event professional?  Do you need to raise your prices?  Do you need to increase your staff to get more done each day?  Do you need to focus on your branding and  business exposure to get more leads?  When you finish your list, come up with a basic next step for each to go from felling “too busy” to feeling “successful”- and do not be afraid to take action!

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